Vujacic Company i Podgorica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroVujacic Company



🕗 åbningstider

45, 3, 81304, Podgorica, Gradska opština Golubovci, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 20 606 060
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.3606608, Longitude: 19.225084

kommentar 5

  • R V

    R V


    Extremely professional business with excellent service and very friendly and efficient staff. I bought a car with summer tires mid-season and no one had winter tires of my dimensions in stock. Vujacic Company were immediate to advise of when they could order them in and how much they would cost. Not only was their quoted time-frame the shortest than anywhere else, but the tires also arrived sooner than expected. During the fitment, we thoroughly enjoyed their very warm and beautifully designed cafe with lovely coffees and even an elegantly designed (and immaculate) bathroom. Thank you Vujacic Company for the fast and professional service. (We live on the seaside but we travelled two hours to use your service as we didn’t feel comfortable or confident using businesses operating casually out of their houses.) I highly recommend this place to expats and tourists wanting Western standards of professionalism and reliability.

  • Vincenzo Paielli

    Vincenzo Paielli


    Professional and nice service, a little bit expensive but not bad.

  • Philip Wilson

    Philip Wilson


    Very quick and reliable service. My tyres were changed in less time than it took to drink a coffee!

  • Danilo



    The staff is professional, they have a lot of popular tire makers at decent price. Ordinary time to be serviced is 20 minutes.

  • Danilo Rakocevic

    Danilo Rakocevic


    Highly recommend. Very professional, fast and equiped with high class machines. After balancing in this workshop my car is riding with no any vibration. Very good choice of car cosmetic. Friendly and experienced staff. In this workshop you can fill tyres with nitrogen, recommended for summer season in Montenegro.

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