Stomatološka ordinacija Dentalux Tivat i Podkuk

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MontenegroStomatološka ordinacija Dentalux Tivat


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Podkuk 85320, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 086 740
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4379034, Longitude: 18.6997059

kommentar 5

  • Nela Radunovic

    Nela Radunovic


    Excellent in marketing, a clean five for that.

  • Ната Ли

    Ната Ли


    Poor quality! Bad service! Very painful! My dental retainer came off and needed to be glued back on. It was very painful when the doctor tried to remove the previous filling material from the teeth with a tool ... the tool constantly slipped and hit the neighboring teeth ... I grimaced from severe pain ... after that the doctor thought of taking the right drilling tool and removing the filling material. The doctor worked without a mask, and at the moment when she was talking to her partner, she spat on my face, the doctor's saliva got into my eye ... it's terrible. Next, the doctor missed and spilled mouth liquid on my face, eye and neck, after which she picked up the napkin FROM THE FLOOR and began to wipe my flooded eye, face and neck ... the doctor was not embarrassed that the napkin was on the floor. Bad service! Poor quality! Worried about the actions of the doctor and I'm not sure if the instruments are disinfected. I am worried about my health, so I will be tested for HIV and Hepatitis. For the fact that I am a foreigner I was charged three times higher than for local residents. 50 euros to put back the dental retainer

  • Zorica Kovačević

    Zorica Kovačević


    Professionalism and courtesy are at a high level. If you are looking for a dental practice in Tivat, you have all my recommendations.

  • Zoran Celanovic

    Zoran Celanovic


    Excellent and professional dental service. Pleasant atmosphere and friendly staff. The practice is easy to find.

  • Sanja Celanovic

    Sanja Celanovic


    I have had a good experience with this dental practice. I regularly take my seven-year-old daughter to Dentalux 2. The service is free for children. All in all, I am satisfied.

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