Sicilia в Podgorica




🕗 время открытия

bb, Pera Šoća, 81000, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 142 444
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4388734, Longitude: 19.2336405

Комментарии 5

  • Sugar Hiccup

    Sugar Hiccup


    Nice place to seat and eat in city kvart. Service is ok. Food is ok but sometimes the pizza it's like made on rush and below expectations. But hope you will improve the pizza quality.

  • Jakov Milicevic

    Jakov Milicevic


    A cool place for simple meal and some nice coffee and cake. As everywhere in Monténégro the service is a bit slow. Although the stuff is pleasant they are acting like not really working - chillout mood 😂😂. Very nice place for snack.

  • Ali K

    Ali K


    Some things were good, others not so much. Service was not good. The waiters looked like they were tired of us from the beginning. The music was annoyingly loud. Also, only later did we find out that there was an underground seating area that is significantly more cooled down. We would have wanted to sit there because of the heat but were not asked. The bruschetta bread was not crispy at all. It was just sliced bread with tomato pieces on it and corn next to it. Not very good. The pasta arrabiata was excellent and really spicy. The pancake dessert was good. Bur for some reason the waiter delivered all three dishes to the table at the same time even though we asked that the pancake was - of course - for dessert. Prices are very good.

  • Vuk Koljensic

    Vuk Koljensic


    I like very much this Montenegrin owned franchise since they serve the same standard trough their places around Podgorica! Today i tried their new SICILIA scrambled egges with bacon, was pretty delicious! Prices are fine, the service was nice overall. Would recommend!

  • Milica Milošević

    Milica Milošević


    Amazing place. Nice value for the money. The staff is extremely polite. We had a baby with us and they paid extra attention to her.Thank you all for the amazing experience!

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