Šebelj в Lastva Grbaljska

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E65, Lastva Grbaljska, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 33 463 544
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.308212, Longitude: 18.8015402

Комментарии 5

  • Adam Beale

    Adam Beale


    We had an excellent lamb and goat dish here, paired with a lovely red wine. Very friendly staff and reasonable prices. The restaurant is about 10 minutes outside of Budva and easy to find. I'd highly recommend this place as a break from the typical restaurants in Budva. You can also get dishes to take away. Lots of locals come to eat here, which is always a good sign.

  • Dimitrije Dulovic

    Dimitrije Dulovic


    Excelent restaurant! Very delicious food! Prices are favorable! the only objection is for ,,kuver '' - bread ,we were with small children and we paid additionally 1€ per persson for the bread plus food! You are excelent and famous restaurant- correct something about the bread!

  • Tomáš Németh

    Tomáš Németh


    We ate there twice. The food is really good and portions are big enough however the communication with staff is a bit more difficult as they do not understand/speak English and are a bit cold when you are stranger that does not speak their language. Menu I saw in reviews here is the old one, new menu is more expensive. Meat plate Šebelj costs not 25€ but 35€. Food is great, staff would be better to foreigners as they are paying as well.

  • Liron Ham

    Liron Ham


    This place is so lovely! Very local authentic vibe. Such cute servers. We had local wine that was delicious. Tomato soup, grilled cheese Filet of bass and beefsteak in mushroom sauce. Everything was super! And the prices are really comfortable. Loved it.

  • Snezana (Snowwhite)

    Snezana (Snowwhite)


    Interesting restaurant with good food. Waiters are old school very polite and friendly. We were two times and both times find free seat for two of us. It is crowded and prices are acceptable. Unfortunately we did not try special dishes as we got information that we need to reserve portions during day for night. White wine is great. Inside air condition works and it is very comfirtable. Smoking is outside. Parking is small I think 8places... Good for us we can walk as we were near with place to stay.

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