Sara в Kotor

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Kotor, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4240931, Longitude: 18.7711957

Комментарии 5

  • Emma Caldow

    Emma Caldow


    We were pleasantly surprised by how delicious the pizza base was. Minus a star because prices were high and the service was slow. Also minus a star because we were charged 1 euro to recieve 2 plates with the pizza, even though we didn't request them and weren't told about the charge.

  • Laura Searson

    Laura Searson


    Reasonably cheap for a tourist destination. The mains are between €7-€9. Large serves that are fabulous. I had the chicken schnitzel which was amazing, we also had spaghetti bolognese, pork schnitzel, pizza and squid! There were no complaints from anyone!

  • Jon Poulin

    Jon Poulin


    This place wasn't highly rated but we thought we would give it a try. We ordered the Montenegro Pizza classic size. When it came out, we got the pizza, two plates and two sets of cutlery, as well as tomato sauce to pour on the pizza. The pizza itself is more of a soft thin crust cheese toast with some toppings. There is not tomato sauce on it by default. It was pretty good so we were pleasantly surprised. Afterwards we got our bill and it had an odd item which we could decipher that said "Kuver". After trying to translate it, we asked for a waiter but they won't help us. They would only get our original waiter. So we waiting a bit and our waiter finally showed up, he told us the additional charge was for two plates. We didn't ask for the plates but they just added the charge in. Unacceptable to do these things, as I feel it was dishonest. We paid the full amount and left.

  • en

    Daniel Dwight


    Is that even pizza? Just wrong. The crust was like soggy bread. The sauce is nothing more than tomato sauce from a can. The cheese was fine. We had the Europa - it was canned ham. Probably the worst pizza i have ever had. The beer was cold and the service was good - THE ONLY REASON FOR TWO STARS.

  • Rocio Airey

    Rocio Airey


    Delicious food, g Nice atmosphere and great friendly service.

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