Restaurant Most в Žabljak

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ЧерногорияRestaurant Most



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Budecevica bb, 84220, Žabljak, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 311 032
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.1490748, Longitude: 19.2918716

Комментарии 5

  • Kim Gaarsdahl

    Kim Gaarsdahl


    Good lord.. I've been to a lot of bad resturants, but this is by far the worst I have ever been to. The food is worse, than a twice heated frozen dish from the local super market. The so called burger, is a pice of cold bread, with a frozen premade paddy inside. No sauce, no salat, no nothing.. Just cold bread and frozen meat. The chicken is so dry, that Sahara looks at it, and thinks :" I want to be like that" The kebabs.. Don't get me started. If you wonder why the stray dogs here, are in such good shape, it because they get all the food that is ordered in this "resturant" The beer was good, and the view was nice - maybe because they Diddnt make either of the two

  • Erika V

    Erika V


    it couldn't be worse, the food is cold, the cheese on the pizza is not melted, the coffee is impossible to drink, the taste is disgusting. Vomiting and diarrhea started after visiting here. I regret the money spent, this place needs to be closed, it has no respect for its visitors and dares to feed them like this.

  • Kai Cass

    Kai Cass


    The waiter was friendly when we arrived but he charged us more for our food, messed up our order 2 times, and seemed annoyed that we corrected his mistake. I wish I could say that the food tasted terribly, but it didn't actually taste like anything at all. Not only was it tastless but the amount of oil in and around the food was mind-boggling. The view was beautiful and if you have the opportunity to see the canyon, do not worsen your experience with horrible "food" at this restaurant.

  • Explore the World

    Explore the World


    It was the most awful place in all “Jugoslavia”. The worst foodie have ever tried. The only 1 good thing there is nice view. That’s it! Pay only cash.

  • Monica Badiu

    Monica Badiu


    Good food with affordable prices. Barbecue, soup and sweets. The terrace has a beautiful view over Tara Bridge

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