Пошта Црне Горе i Kotor

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroПошта Црне Горе



🕗 åbningstider

Trg od Oružja, 85339, Kotor, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 32 301 038
internet side: www.postacg.me
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.4246455, Longitude: 18.7703897

kommentar 5

  • Tor Jørgen Verås

    Tor Jørgen Verås


    Cash only. Postcards arrived 3 weeks later.

  • J. D.

    J. D.


    There were 7 people in line to send 2 postcards to France and Russia. The woman at the checkout took €4 from me and said: OK, I will send. It was 11 October 2021. None of my friends received a postcards so far. 28.12.2021. It's really so sad

  • Nebojsa Latkovic

    Nebojsa Latkovic


    Posta U Radanovici does not answer the phone call. They also do not deliver mail to home addresses. The employee is more outside the facility than at the workplace. In addition, they say that the number was called to collect the mail, but no one answers, which is not true, and can be easily verified.

  • Krystal Washington

    Krystal Washington


    Very nice people. They only allow you to send 2kg here, you must go to the bigger post office to send large boxes. She gave me directions-it was a short walk to the other Post Office.

  • Daiuke Katagiri

    Daiuke Katagiri


    A small post office in a small town. Attractive souvenirs and postcards are available. Unfortunately, the stamps will be German stamps (they are not made in their own country). The postmark was actually Montenegro. Choose one of your favorite picture postcards and send it to yourself. The old Yugoslavia post office mark and color are cute, aren't they?

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