Podgorica Airport i Podgorica

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MontenegroPodgorica Airport


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Podgorica, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 20 444 244
internet side: www.montenegroairports.com
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Latitude: 42.3677787, Longitude: 19.2466753

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amela Glavatovic


    I wish i could rate it 0 !! It's a shame for such a small beautiful country to have such a unprofessional staff, i had move out of Montenegro 15 years ago and been going back every other year with my 4 children and each and every time same nasty people asking for money so they don't have to open your luggages they were two security guard that i had to give each $50 because i had new clothes for my 4 children, i was very disgusted by that it happens every time i go .... i really do believe that the staff is there because they know someone ,same thing with the chek in person on the other side wouldn't even give you a eye contact, not even a "have a safe flight " I have traveled the world and never felt this way,very sad to write about my own country but the hospitality it's below 0 Bad experience from the second you get in, this is why this country will never grow no costumer service what so ever. ......

  • Alex Shvenda

    Alex Shvenda


    The airport is really small, but there is no too big taffic of passagers. Funny thing they don't have automatic bording system, boarding passes are checked by airport staff, so the queue is movig quite slowlly. Tip for arriverers, if you struggle to get a transfer,there is in walk distance from airport along main road located train station from where you can get to seashore or to Podgorica for 2 euro. But check timetible first, train goes 5 time a day.

  • Bin Chen

    Bin Chen


    Cheap flight to here from budapest. However, how to get out of Podgorica airport is very tricky. No reliable source of information about public bus info. Taxi in front of the airport acts like mafia. Terrible experience! Better call a cab or wait for arrival cab and get back to town....

  • Trent Archer

    Trent Archer


    Despite being small, this airport is pretty good! It's run well and is efficient. Additionally, there are some food and drinks that are quite fairly priced. In my experience, food and drink is almost universally expensive in airports, relative to the cities they serve. There are a few exceptions (UK airports are generally good in this regard) and Podgorica seems to be one. There is a fairly expensive cakes and coffee place, but as you can see from my pictures, there are vending machines offering very affordable coffee and snacks.

  • Mina Kb

    Mina Kb


    The best airport! Even though it is small, it is very well maintained and everything goes smooth. Sympathetic staff too.

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