ORL ambulanta International Medical Center i Podgorica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroORL ambulanta International Medical Center



🕗 åbningstider

lamela 105, 8. Marta, 81000, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 20 226 622
internet side: www.ambulanta.me
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.4336514, Longitude: 19.243876

kommentar 5

  • Bernard LERMIT

    Bernard LERMIT


  • Ana J

    Ana J


    Fantastic place. Expert doctor helped me so much when I was left stranded with a severe ear infection during my business trip, unable to fly back home if he didn't step in.

  • Kralj Insekata

    Kralj Insekata


  • E S

    E S


    It's good that you exist. Patients feel safe because the examination, the conversation with the patient, the review of the diagnosis and the attitude of the staff - all this instills positivity in the patient. Once again - thank you for existing. Your patient

  • toni bauer

    toni bauer


    The doctor is smiling. He waits and sees off the patient with a smile. He inspires hope for healing. Someone who tries with his heart and soul to help the patient. He is not someone like all the greedy doctors of today, like for example in Niksica, who ask for 100e and whiskey. or all the doctors in CG, private and state, whose ass was blown for money and gifts. Dr. vladan knezevic is a legend and there are no more doctors like this. kudos to him.

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