Milmedika - Budva в Budva

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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ЧерногорияMilmedika - Budva



🕗 время открытия

5, Rakita, Budva, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 33 452 187
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.288927, Longitude: 18.8439359

Комментарии 5

  • Konstantin Kurchikov

    Konstantin Kurchikov


    The clinic staff were very friendly. Everyone tried to help and spoke good English. Despite the lack of a preliminary appointment, the timeslot was found and my problem was resolved.

  • Polaris AB

    Polaris AB


    A late response but not to late to pass on my grateful thanks for the care, skill and professionalism by the staff of Milmedika for their amazing treatment of my bacterial pneumonia which left me with high fevers, barely able to coordinate walking without exhaustion, shortness of breath and loss of voice. Special thanks to the doctors that treated me despite language barriers and my love and appreciation for the excellent caring nurse, Danica who looked after me with countless pain free IV drips and checkups to make sure I was in good caring hands throughout my three week of visits. Highly recommended, caring and responsible staff dedicated to service during a demanding and difficult time. My grateful thanks to all ❤️🙏😇

  • A. Koksal

    A. Koksal


    They made me wait 2 hours under the sun for a covid test. The lady was really nice though. There is only one person taking your information and the sample. Adding one more person could make everything a lot faster.

  • Alexander



    Can't make simple blood test in high season. I waited 1 hour with 2 people in the queue before me. As result around 8 other people passed this procedure and I got on some infinity waitlist for unknown reasons. The receptionist knows only the Serbian language and didn't want to explain anything. Unfriendly for foreigners and a complete mess with the organizational part.

  • Kendra Weyhrauch

    Kendra Weyhrauch


    Got an infection, they saw me same day, very friendly doctor and the assistant who spoke English as my translator. Only frustrating part was that I was ignored for the first 20 minutes I stood in the entrance, and was bypassed by others who could speak the language. Very clean, organized, professional.

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