Manastir Dajbabe i Podgorica

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MontenegroManastir Dajbabe


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Podgorica, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 20 714 206
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Latitude: 42.4038876, Longitude: 19.2324632

kommentar 5

  • Aleksandras Fišeras

    Aleksandras Fišeras


    Įspūdingai atrodo šis vienuolynas. Gaila kad neleidžia fotografuoti.

  • Radovan Zaric

    Radovan Zaric


    Monastery Dajbabe is located near Podgorica and is dedicated to Holy Mother of God. The monastery is situated on hill in the village of the same name and has a very interesting history. The monastery interior is buried in the ground, and its interior space is made up of caves. In the monastery are the remains of the saint Simeon Dajbabski. There is a legend about how the monastery was made. In 1890 a Saint came to a boy and told him to move with the sheeps, because he stands on a holy place, and that in one cave there were his relics and remains. He also told him to build a church in that place. The boy told him that he was orphaned without a father and mother and that he was not able to build a church. The saint told him to talk about this miracle, which he did. He goes to the monastery Ostrog, and there he met the monk Simeon who believed him. Simeon came to Dajbabe in 1896., and in a half a year makes Monastery. The bones of mysterious Saint where never found. But he spoke to Simeon and told him not to search for them, because when the time is right he will show the place of his rest. It is believed that these are the remains of the monk Ilarion, first bishop in this region.

  • Sergey Kuznetsov

    Sergey Kuznetsov


    Спокойное живописное место. Кельи, выбитые в камне впечатляют. Рекомендую для любителей побыть наедине с собой.

  • Tour guide Montenegro tours

    Tour guide Montenegro tours


    Amazing monastery complex dedicated to St Simeon of Dajbabe. Church inside the cave and the hill.

  • Gligo Tomanovic

    Gligo Tomanovic


    Extraordinary! The real saint and mystical religious experience.

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