Mall of Montenegro i Podgorica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroMall of Montenegro



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74, Bulevar Save Kovačevića, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 20 671 357
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4321274, Longitude: 19.2627729

kommentar 5

  • Adam Kastor

    Adam Kastor


    Mostly expensive clothes, didn't found cheapy clothes at all. Pretty small mall. Good café at the bottom floor. Friendly staff both in shops and in information desks. Big Market just beside the Mall where they sell vegetables and fruit and things like that.

  • Clemens Romijn

    Clemens Romijn


    Mall with large supermarket, drugstores and market where fresh veggies and fruits are sold. Crowded place where it is difficult to park your car and traffic is wildly chaotic

  • Aimilia Peppa

    Aimilia Peppa


    Biggest mall in Montenegro with various famous clothes and accessories brands. Including supermarket, farmacy and cinema is the best place for entertainment on a rainy day and a relaxing Sunday

  • Jan Fejo

    Jan Fejo


    Little bit disapointed. Did not found what what I wanted in such big Mall

  • en

    Eduard Ignea


    Ok mall with some nice stores and a lot of small table businesses. Great visit in a hot summer day. Good coffee shops and some nice small restaurants. The restrooms need a code to get in.

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