Kotor Main Bus Station в Kotor

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ЧерногорияKotor Main Bus Station


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Kotor, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 68 283 648
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4197471, Longitude: 18.7700274

Комментарии 5

  • Xiaojun Cristin

    Xiaojun Cristin


    A messy messy place with horrible service attitude...... When we went into the ticket/info area, with only one open counter, we of course went to ask her about bus info. But the answer was I am not the info counter and I only sell ticket. We then found the ‘info guy’ outside, went to ask him, and he was also not interested in giving us helpful information. When we finally got some tickets, we went back to ask which platform the bus would depart from, the info guy said he would let us know when our bus is there. (Apparently none of the busses have signs or numbers) When it's almost our departure time, we went to ask again about our bus, they had to stop a bus which was already on its way out, because they did not let us know even thought that bus was parked right next to us for like 10min and left before the departure time. So yeah, we got onto supposingly our bus, and still we haven't gotten any info about if the bus will stop at the place we were going... the driver only repeatively yelled at me in his own language. Luckily we met a Russian traveller who could help somewhat and still the bus driver did not really want to say a word unless it was him who initiated the talk. At the end however we were let out at a bus stop somewhat close to where we were supposed to go.

  • Melissa T

    Melissa T


    Station staff charged 2€ for “checking” online and return bus tickets prior to allowing boarding. “Checking” consisted solely of stamping the ticket to show that the fee was paid.

  • Panupong Srichompu

    Panupong Srichompu


    Dont arrive here at the night! Everything are closed and I need to stay outside with cold! But good wifi though.

  • Jenny Chelsea

    Jenny Chelsea


    Good Wifi work , toilet to pay. Arrived 1am and no waiting room open here! Had to wait in the cold outside

  • Connolly K

    Connolly K


    Easy walk to old town. Nice facility. Be sure to avoid Croatia Bus tho, they are the worst!

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