Konoba Kruso Herceg Novi i Herceg - Novi

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MontenegroKonoba Kruso Herceg Novi



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Šetalište 5. Danica, Herceg - Novi 85340, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382
internet side: www.konobakruso.me
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Latitude: 42.456644, Longitude: 18.5226949

kommentar 5

  • Maggie Lombard

    Maggie Lombard


    By far the best T bone steak and fish in Montenegro. Fantastic service and food. The garlic sauce and mushroom sauce were also amazing. Absolutely best way to have a meal on Sunday. Stunning setting also.

  • Pedja Mitrovic

    Pedja Mitrovic


    Nice terrace with lovely views of the sea, perfect for a light dinner and drinks. The food in this place is very nice and fresh, like most things in Montenegro, don’t compare it to back home and expect everything to be perfect. I would higly recommend it.

  • Viktor Miljesic

    Viktor Miljesic


    Absolutely amazing place to dine in Herceg Novi. Local friend recommended this place, he said it was one of the best places to eat in the area. The service was amazing, the waitress recommended some dishes for us and it was some of the best food I had in Crna Gora. If you are looking for an authentic and unique dining experience, look no further. The prices are hard to beat for Westerners. Definitely worth checking out!

  • Dervla McLaughlin

    Dervla McLaughlin


    We had the best meal and service of our entire trip to montenegro, and it was on the last night here! The staff were so friendly and interactive (but not pushy) which we found a lack of throughout our holiday, were so happy to chat and recommend wines and mains and happily changed my choice to change my tuna steak cooking preference halfway through our order. Such lovely people and such a lovely restaurant, would highly recommend others to go here when visiting herceg Novi!

  • Andrea Sárvári

    Andrea Sárvári


    Very nice restaurant, nice staff, soft live music with good hits. The terrace is wonderful, you can feel on the water. The food was good, service is fast and they speak English well.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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