Konoba AMANET в Kolasin

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ЧерногорияKonoba AMANET



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Kolasin, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 68 140 140
Веб-сайт: foodbook.me
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.7747032, Longitude: 19.5440186

Комментарии 5

  • Dijana Nisavic

    Dijana Nisavic


    Great place, enjoyed the food and service. Everything was great, even more than we expected! The waiter Petar was super friendly and we had such a warm welcome.

  • Jose Perez de Guzman Macaya

    Jose Perez de Guzman Macaya


    A terrible experience. We tried two of their veal dishes which the waiter recommended, one cooked with kajmak (fresh cheese cream) and the other I don't really know how was it cooked. Not important. In short, the meat was TERRIBLE. As side salad we had cabbage, and surprisingly it didn't even have any kind of dressing. After dinner we wanted to have a coffee but they have some ridiculous rule that they don't serve coffee after noon. And the icing on the cake, we asked for the check and the waiter asked if we wished to pay with card or in cash. I said with card, to what the waiter replied if we could pay in cash since their card terminal was not working properly. Why the heck did he asked? Place is nice and want's to give the impression of exclusive restaurant, but there is no exclusivity, it is just simply overpriced and the food far from what you would expect for what you pay for.

  • Admir Radoncic

    Admir Radoncic


    Food was great. Service was fine. But the place is not made well. There is a lot of door opening with legs. Doors not closing completely. Cold wind and cats getting in and disturbing the guests. The portions are too big, some information about this could be shared. Our waiter was fun tho and spoke English well.

  • BC VM

    BC VM


    One of the restaurants with the best food and the best service, the friendliest staff, which you must visit while passing through Mateševo ​​on your way to Kolašin or another town in the north of Montenegro. As I mentioned, the food is very tasty, the staff is friendly, on weekends you have to be lucky if you find a free table :) My recommendation for anyone who likes homemade specialties and a homely atmosphere!

  • Jannis Thümmig

    Jannis Thümmig


    Really good food, well prepared and for a good price. If you want to eat some proper and domestic food, this Konoba is the right choice. Their Kačamak was one of my favorite ones so far - well prepared, not dry and great in taste. The beef we ate was as well tasty and on point. It was served with break and potatoes and additionally I took some Šopska, which was delicious as well. The waiting time for the food was adequate and worth the wait. If you’re around the area, definitely give it a try.

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