Hotel Onogošt i Nikšić

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MontenegroHotel Onogošt


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24, Nikole Tesle And Njegoseva, Nikšić, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 67 035 999
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.776606, Longitude: 18.950543

kommentar 5

  • Admir Radoncic

    Admir Radoncic


    Very nice and pleasant. Waiters could be faster. Cake was super delicious.

  • Joksim Kaktus

    Joksim Kaktus


    The toilet didn’t work when I got there, and in my 4 day stay they haven’t fixed it or offered me to switch rooms, terrible. Food was bland, overall could have been bether.

  • Nikola Kacin

    Nikola Kacin


    Hotel Onogost is related to hotel and bar. Bar is so beautiful with great craft beer ! All drinks is ok, but no have continuity in quality of food. Sometime food is great, sometime is terrible. Chicken wings 5 times is deliciously, but last 2time is not enough backed. If have many persons in bar you have to wait so long. Hotel is old and you can expect many kind of insects in your room.

  • Danilo Rakocevic

    Danilo Rakocevic


    I haven't been stayed in hotel. This review is for beautiful lounge. Beautiful ambience. Modern clean interior. Comfortable. Lot of light. Huge windows. Excellent air-conditioning. Menu has created by really good chef. Combination of traditional and modern dishes. We've tried few meat meals. Completely satisfied. Vegetables and potatoes on the side was great. Recommending"teleci ribic". Calf meet has marinated in special sauce for a day and served with boiled potatoes and special milk cream (kajmak - must taste) We've got with meal few different types of bread and each one was fantastic. Recommend also local craft Mamut beer.

  • Dunja Vukovic

    Dunja Vukovic


    It is clean and has all basics, but no phone in the room, no shampoos. There are bathrobes towels and good wifi connection. Very nice cafe and hair salon in the lobby.

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