Hotel Kleopatra i Ulcinj

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MontenegroHotel Kleopatra


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Rruga e Kosovës, 85360, Ulcinj, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 332 620
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.9247322, Longitude: 19.2134456

kommentar 5

  • Lisa



    Very good welcome in this place, Nick, the owner is super and all the staff are Nice, it was a pleasure to stay there.

  • Mitchell Koopman

    Mitchell Koopman


    Very clean, neath and beautiful hotel in Ulcinj city centre. A good location to enjoy the city and beach of Ulcinj.

  • Nik Stankovic

    Nik Stankovic


    Shame on Booking because allow people to rent something like this. Complete false advertising. See for yourself.

  • Tamara Syed

    Tamara Syed


    I absolutely loved our stay here because- 1. The location ofcourse, it’s probably the highest point of ulcinj, giving us the best view and there was also a masjid beside us at a rock throwing distance. 2. The people that run the show- a sweet family who make you feel warm and welcomed. Gazz speaks perfect and even better English than us so it made it ideal since we aren’t very fluent with the local language. And let’s not forget, quite a humorous person indeed. 3. The rooms- absolutely cozy and sparkling clean. Hot water was accessible through the day. 4. The pool- again super clean and well maintained and super fun! You can sit around and chill under the sun which I’m sure is loved by many. 5- check in and check out process- SUPER SIMPLE! There are my five reasons for the five star.

  • Drago Rošer

    Drago Rošer


    Food was great but the rooms was small and not in good condition

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