Hotel Haus Freiburg в Ulcinj

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ЧерногорияHotel Haus Freiburg



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
Kosovska, 85360, Ulcinj, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 30 403 008
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.9234506, Longitude: 19.2168045

Комментарии 5

  • Sofia Araujo

    Sofia Araujo


    Terrible! That isn’t a hotel, it’s a pension… the staff is really bad and some of them just speak German, the rooms and bathrooms are dirty, and the food was just pasta with sauce…. Even the location is terrible, in the middle of nowhere…. I really recommend you to choose other hotel, I bet the good comments are made by the staff, it seems like all part of a family… we left in the same night of the arrival and we let them stay with the 20% that we had to pre pay and they even complain about us to booking because we didn’t want to pay all the week…

  • Arben Pali

    Arben Pali


    Stayed here a few years ago and the owner followed us around everywhere we went. Very creepy. We could have stayed anywhere we wanted as our family is from the area. We chose this place bc it has a nice pool with a nice view. The owner told us not to get in and out of the pool bc we are wasting water. Imagine that. The breakfast was mediocre. We were forced to move our cars multiple times at random hours bc the Parking garage had limited space. The building is definitely not up to code in that aspect. One day we woke up to him in our living drinking coffee. Very awkward.

  • Denisa Carmen

    Denisa Carmen


    After a 12-day stay in Croatia (Split, Dubrovnik), we chose to spend the last 3 days in Montenegro sitting in the sun. I found this 4 star hotel which in pictures looks more than ok. We are customers who prefer and know the conditions of 4 stars, and this hotel does not meet them in half. Last night when we arrived we had to waste precious time changing rooms, one was not locked, and another was dirty. I chose one in a slightly cleaner finish, because we were too tired. The next morning at breakfast we had the surprise to see that he was poor. I asked the lady who is in the restaurant if they have eggs, sausages, products typical for breakfast and she answered no. I told him that it is not ok to offer such a breakfast in a 4 star hotel, I also reminded him of the dirty rooms I saw and the one I stayed in and he answered me that the lady from the cleaning had an accident and in a rough tone she said "sorry". We decided to leave and asked them to check out, we asked for the invoice on the company and they hesitated to do so. I explained to them that attitude is not ok and our money and time cannot understand these things. It is not my problem to worry about the holidays as They have no cleaning lady, I pay a 4 star service and I expect to receive this. Also I mention that in the bathroom you can find used towels, you do not have kit of brush and paste, hair conditioner, have some jokes of bathrobes broken and damaged and the shower is miserable. You have no way to stay in such conditions at 4 stars. I told them at the start to expect reviews that reflect the reality and they replied that on booking I can't do this because I called directly to the hotel for booking and for them other reviews do not matter. Update for the hotel answer. Hello again, no one said anything about the price but I just reproached you for the cleanliness, breakfast, your attitude and the cataloging of the hotel as being 4 stars in conditions where it does not deserve more than 2 stars.  Your answer is the same like your services offered.

  • Holly Blades

    Holly Blades


    The owners were wonderful and the rooms were so nice! The pool was beautiful. Not to mention it is so affordable. Come stay here!!

  • Patrice Bounyavath

    Patrice Bounyavath


    Very quiet place from the city center. The room was clean and comfortable. The pool is great. Not so many people in August. Special thanks to the people that were kind and smily.

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