Hotel Dominus i Bijelo Polje

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroHotel Dominus



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Bijelo Polje, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 68 810 255
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Latitude: 43.0344444, Longitude: 19.7508333

kommentar 5

  • mf qh

    mf qh


    The rooms old I stay at room with no light at the roof just on the ground , no elevator just the location is the good thing about it Poor breakfast also the breakfast is 6 min walking outside the hotel

  • vuvuzilla footman

    vuvuzilla footman


    Clean, spacious, friendly staff! Highly recommended.

  • Dariya Sulimova

    Dariya Sulimova


    It was a bit hard to find. But otherwise, personnel made the stay very pleasant - friendly and hospitable, ready to help. Fantastic mountain view in the morning ☺️ Breakfast is included, it is tasty and generous enough. Be ready to walk for about 3 minutes to the restaurant through a cosy city centre, that smells coffee and freshly baked pastries

  • Savvas Radevic

    Savvas Radevic


    One of our best hotel short experience stays so far. Value for price. Very polite staff. Cozy beds. Clean rooms. Beautiful morning mountain view. The breakfast was the cherry on top. Will definitely consider more stays here!

  • Marek Kotala

    Marek Kotala


    Nothing to complain

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