Hotel Admiral в Perast

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ЧерногорияHotel Admiral


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Obala Marka Martinovića 82, Perast 85336, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 402 339
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4854507, Longitude: 18.6998233

Комментарии 5

  • Carol Hall

    Carol Hall


    We only had one meal here the food was passable, however the waitress who served us was VERY RUDE! She gave us food we did not ask for ! We did not like, or want this food. The waitress told us we have to eat it! otherwise she will have to pay for it! She was incredibly nasty when we said we didn't want it. After much arguing we ended up paying for what we'd had so far and left. We never went back!

  • Tony Neumeyer

    Tony Neumeyer


    Right on the water we stopped by on a day-trip tour around the port. What a delight this place is! It took a bit of time to get service, they were busy, but I would have liked to get a drink more quickly and would likely have spent more money. Maybe the slowness was a blessing. The food was really great and the staff was very friendly, but busy. If you're boating by, it's worth a stop. Oh, and I loved the sign on the neighbor's gate!

  • Nevena Raczkó

    Nevena Raczkó


    Super friendly staff, highly recommended with an amazing view right next to the sea w fresh seafood. I have seen the other ratings about this place what I can share is that I had a great time here with my family. People seem to forget the after effects of covid on the tourism sector. Right now it is very hard to have enough and well trained stuff everywhere in Europe….

  • Kalu U

    Kalu U


    We did not stay at the hotel but we ate in the restaurant. Prices were a bit higher for the amount of the food we got. Fish tasted really good but everything else was just plain bad. On top of everything, our waiter tried to scam us for 20€. I would definitely not recommend this place. Cheers

  • Hammimi



    We did not stay at this hotel but ate the restaurant this evening and food was dire. The tuna steak was salty and completely ruined my meal. My partner's salmon spaghetti was overladen with cream sauce. Most awful meal ever and total waste of money. Apparently, the table next to us were combining how the restaurant served white wine which was not chilled.

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