Garden Cafe i Budva

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MontenegroGarden Cafe



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23, XVI Ulica, 85310, Budva, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 33 560 293
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.2925653, Longitude: 18.8429302

kommentar 5

  • V K

    V K


    I was there just once. Unfortunatelly!!! But if I'm gonna be in Budva one more time I definitely will go there again. Food was delicious, waiter also polite and with good english skills. I really enjoyed my meal in this place. Tasty food, calm and good atmosphere and kind waiters. Great place 🫡👌🏼

  • Patryk Brandeburg

    Patryk Brandeburg


    I'm positively taken aback. Marvelous breakfest. Nice approach of the waiter. Good place to relax and eat. Affordable price.

  • Laima Grybaitė

    Laima Grybaitė


    Loved this place! Accidentally found this place while exploring Budva, came back for another 3 days in a row to try more of their wonderful food. Lots of different options, even breakfast menu and amazing service. We’re planning to visit Budva next year, sadly this place was a little far away from our hotel, but will definitely come back here (will probably look for a hotel nearby just because of this place:D)

  • Laurynas Mažeika

    Laurynas Mažeika


    Breakfast was totally worth it! We ordedred breakfast for two and it was more than enough. It Was delicious, bread soft and crispy from the outside. The salad was fresh! Atmosphere is modern and good taste. The waiter did his best! Love it! 😍

  • Yaroslav M.

    Yaroslav M.


    Garden Cafe is my favourite place to eat in Budva. There are tasty dishes, great service, neat and tidy inside and reasonable prices for everything in this cafe. A lot of local people eat here as well. I can definitely recommend this cafe if you want to eat or to drink something. As for dishes, I can recommend a warm salad which is basically grilled vegetables with some creamy cheese on top of it. And also there are great pancakes (I'd also recommend pancakes with jam, because with Nutella were too sweet). Unfortunately, the coffee is a little bit better than mediocre as it is in almost every cafe in Budva. There is no choice for alternative coffee, only standard espresso, cappuccino, latte and so on.

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