Dvorac Petrovića i Podgorica

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MontenegroDvorac Petrovića



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Podgorica, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 20 243 513
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Latitude: 42.4379959, Longitude: 19.2502191

kommentar 5

  • Damon Lesjack

    Damon Lesjack


    Fantastic modern art. Although only the ground floor is open as of February 2019, the admission is free and the place is heated. There's not a lot to see but what there is presented for viewing in the large rooms with wood flooring is worth seeing.

  • Aleksandar Aco

    Aleksandar Aco


    Beautiful park and walking paths. However it could be arranged and maintened better!

  • Thomas Netbal

    Thomas Netbal


    This place is the Centre of Contemporary Arts Montenegro. If you are interested in arts I recommend you to visit this place. And entrance is also for free.

  • Julia Epp

    Julia Epp


    We went there as we did a city tour and excellent a beautiful and free exhibition. The local art expert explained a lot to us and shared interesting details. It was awesome!!

  • Aimilia Peppa

    Aimilia Peppa


    Such a beautiful park for a nice relaxing evening walk! Even in the mid of summer is beautiful to stay under the shade of trees... Only backside is that needs to be preserved a bit more often...

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