Central apartment Nikšić i Nikšić

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroCentral apartment Nikšić



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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24, Karađorđeva, 81400, Nikšić, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 68 797 540
internet side: central-apartment-niksic.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.7743473, Longitude: 18.9464448

kommentar 5

  • Mathieu Flouriot

    Mathieu Flouriot


    Best hostel i did so far ! very cheap, tho very spacious and comfortable, Darko is the nicest host ! we asked him if there was a laundry machine and he used his own to wash our clothes for free 🤯 even dried it for us and let us sleep in the morning 😳 if i go back there i'd choose this hostel for sure !!!

  • Sander de Wilde

    Sander de Wilde


    Great apartment in center of town with a view. Very neat and tidy. A pleasure to stay here!

  • Atom GCMS

    Atom GCMS


    Good location, nice atmosphere, the rooms are always clean, ready towels, always hot water, air-conditioned rooms, kindly price. Nearby markets, drugstores, pharmacies, caffe bars and restaurants. 800 meters from bus station. 500 meters from the center of the city. Parking just for one car. The price worth.

  • Hedvika Šimková

    Hedvika Šimková


    The equipment has seen better days (bathroom shelf a bit wobbly, bathroom door does not close properly...). But the apartment is spacy, there is a parking space in the back yard, wifi works perfectly and the city center is just a few steps away. The owner is amazing, speaks very good English, can give you advice and recommendations for your travels, he even helped us with our luggage!

  • Octa Zamfir

    Octa Zamfir


    Clean, large rooms at a good price. Good wi-fi.

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