Caffe Tara в Bitine

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ЧерногорияCaffe Tara



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572W+8MC, Bitine, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 677 768
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.1508213, Longitude: 19.2966383

Комментарии 5

  • K Kullar

    K Kullar


    Coffee and view was amazing however staff was very rude and just couldn’t be bothered. A please and thank you goes a long way.

  • Trail Trips

    Trail Trips


    If we could give more stars, we would! This Caffe Bar is that small classic business that reminded us old times, small cozy places, where you feel confortable being there just for a hot chocolate when it’s cold outside, for a nice view over the Tara River, having a cold beer if it’s hot outside. We enjoyed the vibe and the view even it was a rainy day. Our family name is TARA, so we had an emblematic trip. When we arrived at Caffe Tara, my husband, Alex Tara, went directy inside, incredibly curious to see it. We liked the terrace, but it was raining. Then, he saw the house number: #87 !!! The year he was born. It was such a nice pattern! We highly reccommend for nostalgic old times experience, not fancyness but true, simple experience and a nice view over the river, near the famous Bridge. Smoking inside is allowed. Hot chocolate, coffee, ice-creams, soda and juices. Thank you, dear owner, for your gift!

  • david burstein

    david burstein


    The location and the view on the tara is amazing, but that sums all the pros of this coffe shop. Firstly, there is no air conditioning, so when it is warm in the summer it is quite unbearable. Secondly, they do not serve coffe with milk. On their menu it is written capuccino, but in reality it is black coffee. We asked for two cappuccino and we got two black coffee. When we complained to the waitress she said that cappuccino is black coffee, on what earth it is black coffee. It is almost tiring to say we did not encounter in any coffee or restaurant in Montengro such definition to cappuccino.

  • Darko Jankovic

    Darko Jankovic


    We had a great weekend. Seating near the open fire, lodges without electricity (some of it suitable for one person only), they organise rafting for our group, lunch and on the end of the day zipline. The only thing I was expecting to be better was food, but overall experience was 10/10.

  • Shlomo Kandel

    Shlomo Kandel


    Nice place, great location

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