Caffe Park i Plav

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroCaffe Park



🕗 åbningstider

Racina, Plav, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382
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Latitude: 42.5970803, Longitude: 19.9415277

kommentar 5

  • Abdullah Alfraih

    Abdullah Alfraih


    They have delicious chocolate cake and fresh squeezed lemonade.

  • Petr V.

    Petr V.


    Nice place. You can also order some pizza there. No beer though :D

  • Anna Shepeleva

    Anna Shepeleva


    Place is really cozy, but for us it appeared to be the only positive moment. We had to wait for almost an hour to get our order and then we got it cold and a bit different from the description. We ordered chicken and veal in mashroom souse which supposed to be coming with rice and french fries. There were only fries and both fries and meat were cold. Perhaps if it was warmer it could've tasted better. During the waiting time a waiter was only saying sorry and when we told him about the temperature he just said sorry again and smiled. I believe this place is good for pizza and sandwiches, but not for the main course.

  • Sven Loosen

    Sven Loosen


    Nice place to eat. Decent Italian style pizza for very small money!! Best espresso/cappuccino in town. Definitely one of the better choices to eat in rural plav!

  • B Tomovic

    B Tomovic


    Amazing service. Easy going and hospitable staff. I would definitely recommend it!

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