Café Napoléon i Kolašin

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MontenegroCafé Napoléon



🕗 åbningstider

13. Jula, Kolašin, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382
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Latitude: 42.8228383, Longitude: 19.5201967

kommentar 5

  • Armin



    AMAZING interior, one of the best I've seen. About other things there isnt much to say, food and drinks are like in any usual café.

  • eliesa nasufi

    eliesa nasufi


    I only got a moka karamel from here because i wasn’t hungry but the mood and the vibes in this coffe were so good and beautiful fully napoleon.The guy who served us was a really nice and served us really well.I would 100% recommend this coffe brunch place in kolašin.

  • Ickle Shipper

    Ickle Shipper


    This place is wonderful It is SO BEAUTIFULLY decorated both outside and inside The croissants are so warm and soft, I never knew they can be so delicious! The staff is very friendly Highly recommended!!!

  • Emi Selmanaj

    Emi Selmanaj


    Cosy cafeteria with beautiful paintings and well served coffees and croissants. A little bit poor on breakfast choices. It would be the best place to brunch if they started to include it. Overall one of the best cafeterias in the area

  • Brandon Brookes

    Brandon Brookes


    Attentive service, good coffee, and freshly baked croissants make this a no brain choice for breakfast in the area. Opens at 8am which is earlier than many other cafes in the area, a big plus! A few more breakfast options would be nice. The atmosphere was a combination between Montenegrin and French which mixed well. Warm and inviting, parking was simple and everywhere.

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