Apartments Manitovac M i Nikšić

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroApartments Manitovac M


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50, Hercegovački put, Nikšić, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 67 527 729
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.7845696, Longitude: 18.9296633

kommentar 5

  • Ljiljana Brasanac

    Ljiljana Brasanac


    The apartment was spotless; clean, well equipped and very cosy. Hosts were very polite and made traveling with a baby very easy.

  • Jérémie Mallet (JI-R)

    Jérémie Mallet (JI-R)


    Accommodation located 15min walk from the center of Niksic. Parking in front of the house with plenty of space. Made very welcome by the host with coffee, tea and cookies. Good quality beds. The kitchenette is a bit small with just a hob and a single sink (in the bathroom). Perfect for spending one or two nights in Niksic.

  • Hugo I.

    Hugo I.


    Perfect Sobe for a stopover in Niksic. The host is very friendly and provides coffee and tea. The bedrooms are very clean. A small downside for the somewhat basic cuisine where we will not revisit French cuisine. Everything is largely compensated by the welcome and the quality of the room!

  • Steluta Anton

    Steluta Anton



  • Agnieszka Zet

    Agnieszka Zet


    The owner is very friendly, nice and helpful. The apartment is new, comfortably and tastefully furnished. Easy access. The kitchen is equipped with all appliances. There is also a washing machine. Garden furniture, river view. I highly recommend!

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