Apartments Idolga i Bar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroApartments Idolga


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Bratstvo i jedinstvo 21, Bar 85000, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 669 836
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.112275, Longitude: 19.08586

kommentar 5

  • djole vozd

    djole vozd


    Very clean, tidy and pleasant..the apartments have separate bathrooms..the shared kitchen is extremely functional..everyone has their own fridge..plates..plates..the pan has everything you need for a family..a couple..or an individual.. very pleasant landlady...

  • Saška Bojović

    Saška Bojović


    Excellent apartment, clean, tidy, meticulous, has a washing machine, shared kitchen, glasses, cups, kettle, hot plate, pan, pot, everything is there, small fridge, microwave... There is a yard in front where you can dry your laundry and sit in front of the apartment.. .It is very close to the beach, idea market, as well as the bar center and the port..All recommendations😊

  • Zvonko Djindjic

    Zvonko Djindjic


    Weak internet. Hd channels, nothing that can be understood. 8 apartments, 3 parking spaces. Apartment No. 6 has no window. so it's like in a tunnel. There is no air conditioning. The door locks fall off. Neat, clean. Close to the sea and shops. The boss, a very impetuous man, is not for that job.

  • Daria Mostovshchykova

    Daria Mostovshchykova


    Polite and hospitable hosts. The rooms are clean and comfortable. Very good location. In general, everything is great! I recommend!

  • Юлия Мурашова

    Юлия Мурашова


    Very pleasant hosts. The rooms are super clean. All our "whims" were carried out with a smile. To the sea 3 minutes. Minute to the store. We love the hospitality! Thanks a lot!

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